Backup Solutions

Backup Solutions Hard DriveAt the heart of every business – no matter how small or large it may be – is it’s data. With a significant amount of information which is utilised, saved, and protected by companies (including servers, computers, network storage, and memory cards etc), data protection and backup has become an imperative aspect of business administration.

Every organisation has important and crucial data that is needed to run the daily business grind, data that reflects the businesses history, and data that will impact future course of action. Thus, it is an understatement to say that protecting the company’s data is an important aspect and investment to make. Every organisation needs a data back-up plan that will help ensure the security and protection of important information. Backing up company’s files can protect the organisation against unfortunate circumstances such as accidental loss of user data, database corruption, hardware failures, and even natural disasters. It is usually the job of a company admin to ensure backup checks are performed on a weekly basis, including taking off site backups.

Apart from these consequences, the company can also experience financial impact, low productivity, loss of business, legal action, and the cost of retrieving or re-creating data. A terrible data disaster can put your business into great risk. At the very worst, if the company loses critical data, it can even result to the collapse of the business.

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Backup Solutions


Backup Solutions


Your Assets

In terms of financial impact, the company will have to allocate significant financial resources in key action points after loss of data. Since significant data was lost, there is a need to invest in data recovery costs. If there are software or applications that have been removed, there will be need for re-installations which will also incur cost for the company. Alongside data recovery and re-installations, there would be a need to reconfigure specific accounts or applications.

Today, more than ever, is the perfect time for you to secure data backups for your company. Do not miss the opportunity for you to protect your organisation’s data. We have only the best technology and the expertise to help you with your data backup, we can provide you with a selection of methods that you can choose from. We ensure a seamless, affordable, convenient, and efficient data backup solution for your company.

You can choose from our extensive range of backup solutions – whether you opt for onsite, off-site, or cloud solution. A growing number of companies have recently switched over to using Cloud backup solutions because of its proven efficiency. With this solution, we can easily schedule, backup, manage, and restore important files seamlessly.

We work with RAID systems on a daily basis so we can ensure your RAID is backed up efficiently exactly how it should. Our aim is to ensure your data is backed up and secure; after a site audit, we can put a plan together to tailor make a backup solution for your business.

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